Thursday, 27 December 2012

How to Edit User Profile in Sharepoint 2010

If You have to modify user profile information from 'People and Groups' option in Sharepoint site then you can't directly edit user profile information. Even on edit user page you will see only non editable data.

User profile information can be change from 2010 central administration site. Follow the steps to modify user profile or user properties.

  1. Login Central Admin site
  2. Click on 'Application Management' option menu from left navigation
  3. In 'Service Application' section, click on 'Manage service applications' link
  4. From this serviceappliction page, click on 'User Profile Service Application' link
  5. And then you can see lots of options for people, synchronization, Organizations, My site settings etc etc,
  6. On same page, under People section click on 'Manage User Profiles' link
  7. find the user and click on User name from below grid, select 'Edit My Profile' option
  8. You can change user profile on edit form.
  9. Click on 'Save and close' button
By default it could take up to some time to reflect the new updated information througout all web applications bound to the user profile service application. A timer job is taking care of this and you could kick this one of to run manually once by going to "Check Job Status" screen in Central Admin (http://site/_admin/Timer.aspx).

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Sharepoint 2010 Global Navigation Hide First Item (Collection Tab)

Now, you can probably remove it programatically with a solution like this, but I just wanted to do it with some style tweaks.

So just stick this in your custom css file:
#s4-topheader2[accesskey="1"] { display: none !important; }

That works for most browsers but not IE6 (spit) cos of it's CSS2 failitude. For that you can use some sweet jQuery in a jiffy:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
Its done :) 

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Adding users photo to welcome text in Sharepoint 2010

Below are the steps for adding users photo before welcome text

STEP 1: Add the following Register tag at the top of the master page (before the doctype element)

<%@ Register Tagprefix="SPSWC" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>

STEP 2: Search for"s4-trc-container-menu" and add the following control (before welcome control)

<SPSWC:ProfilePropertyImage PropertyName="PictureUrl" style="float: left; height: 30px;" ShowPlaceholder="true" id="PictureUrlImage" runat="server"/>

Its done.... :)

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Navigation tab missing in SharePoint 2010 Site Settings

The navigation option only shows in site collections where the publishing feature is enabled.  If it isn't enabled you'd see a link for "Quick Links."

To enable publishing on that site collection you can go to site collection features and turn on the publishing feature.  Then you'd need to go to site features and enable it for that site.

Follow the below steps to enable "Navigation" option under "Look and Feel" of Site Settings:

Its done. Now you can able to see the "Navigation" option.


Monday, 3 December 2012

Form Based Authentication (FBA)

What is Form Based Authentication? 

Form Based Authentication (FBA) provides your own authentication method using a web form. More and more companies are using FBA as a way of extending a site for non-Active Directory (AD) users.
SharePoint standard installation uses as default AD to query the Domain Controller and to check user credentials through Windows Authentication. FBA uses a custom database created separate from AD to store user credentials. Authentication using FBA is executed by a SQL DB query. When FBA is used to extend SharePoint sites, external users (non AD users) have access to SharePoint.

Why would you allow access to external users? 

A practical reason for extending a SharePoint site through FBA is collaboration on documents with your clients or vendors.

There are tons of blog posts about the implementation and the use of Forms Based Authentication in a SharePoint environment. Here are few of the most popular resources:

FBA Limitations
Users who authenticate with FBA do not have the same level of functionality available as users who authenticate with a Windows Authentication method. Basically the client integration features would not work:
  • – Links that start client applications are not visible
  • – Documents are opened directly in the browser with no client applications support
  • – Users cannot edit documents on the site using the client applications. However, users can download and edit the document locally, and then upload the document back to the server
Here is some more information on FBA shortcomings: “Expected Behavior When Client Integration is Disabled
